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- Meredith Morrow
- has achieved tangible results through utilization of all aspects of on-line marketing and journalism.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
Autism can have many ramifications for families. Because sometimes normal children display the same behavior as autistic children, especially in the early years, parents find it difficult to distinguish between what is normal and what is not. Emotionally it helps to explain away the behavior by using such expressions as: "Oh, it's just the terrible twos" or, "He is just going through a phase" or, when he goes to nursery school, he will adjust and mature and will overcome the unacceptable behavior".
One of the most devastating experiences is when no one seems to understand and accept the child for who he is. This can be a detriment both to the parents and to the child. It may lead to anti-social tendencies in order to avoid explaining unusual behavior. Acceptance by others becomes extremely important, especially by family members and close friends. Sadly, sometimes there is a loss of friendships because of the lack of understanding of an autistic child. I have heard criticism voiced by individuals that "bad parenting" is the cause of the child's behavior. How hurtful is that?
I would like to use a personal experience to explain how family members can be affected by autism. In this case, the mother had gone back to work, and I had accepted the responsibility of caring for her children during the day. There were two siblings in the family; a girl six years old and her brother, a toddler. When searching for the cause of the inappropriate behavior, it was easy to blame it on the difference in their ages. They certainly had different interests, and there was a lot of conflict between the two. Toddlers require huge amounts of attention just to get through the day; and, this may at times create a bit of jealousy on the part of the older sibling which adds to the stress of the household. To relieve the tension during the day, my husband would spend one-on-one time with the toddler and I would spend time with the sister. This worked out quite well, as each child received some individual attention and we,then,would spend time with them both participating in the activities.
The toddler required constant supervision, as he was always doing something that was either destructive or dangerous. He could not be left alone to play for fear he would get into trouble. I remember one day that we decided to take a walk, which was a pleasant experience for all of us. He had a bicycle with training wheels and wanted to ride it along as we walked. We went out the side gate, and my husband was trying to keep the dog in the yard and let everyone else out. He helped the child on the bike and instructed him to wait there while he closed the gate. Now, as you may know, autistic children have a delay in registering instructions and then taking action. At times, it seems either they are not hearing you or are not paying attention. Before any of us could make a move to stop him, he went barreling down the hill on the bicycle toward our car parked at the curb and crashed into the side of the car. Fortunately he was not injured; however, he was really frightened and so were we. It made a lasting impression on all of us, especially him, as to this day he does not care much for riding bicycles!
His sister learned very quickly what emotional buttons to push in order to have him become frustrated and start crying. Sometimes it was quite a balancing act to care for both children (somewhat like juggling raw eggs). I looked forward to the time when mom and dad would be home from work to take over. Of course, this put a lot of stress and strain on mom and dad, as autism doesn't go away in the evenings.
The toddler turned two and we began looking forward to the first day of nursery school. We were persuaded that he would enjoy life more around children his age. After all, his sister had gone to this same nursery school and had a positive experience. We felt comfortable enough with the teacher and the surroundings to leave him in her care. Every morning he looked forward to spending four hours at school. He gave no signs to us of not fitting in. Everything seemed fine.
Until Next Time,
Please feel free to leave your comments. Just go to the bottom of the page and click on comments. I look forward to hearing from you.
I believe you will enjoy reading the informative book that is written by Rachel Evans, "Essential-Guide-To-Autism". Click here to order. http://reverse5.autism.hop.clickbank.net/ After you read it, send your comments or questions.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Autism is much more common than most people think. Autism is NOT caused by a person's upbringing, their social circumstances and is not the fault of the individual with the condition. It is a developmental disorder that some people are born with--it's not something you can catch or pass along to someone else.
Autism is usually diagnosed at a very young age, when a child is l/2 to 4 years old. It is not treated with surgery or medicine (although some people with autism may take medicine to improve certain symptoms, like aggressive behavior or attention problems).
This tragic disorder called autism causes many parents to spend extra time and energy to raise an autistic child and they should be given kudos for this, not criticism. Autism is a brain disorder that affects a person's ability to communicate, to reason, and to interact with others. Just imagine, if you will, how this would affect your own life!
Boys are four times more likely to have autism than girls, and it is found equally in all walks of life and in all populations around the world. Typically it appears by age 3, though diagnosis and interventions can and should begin earlier.
Not everybody with autism has the exact same symptoms, which makes it even more difficult to detect at an early age. There are no medical tests to determine whether someone has autism, although doctors may run various tests to rule out other causes of symptoms. Because their brains process information differently, teens with autism may not act like other people you know and the severity of the symptoms vary from person to person. Some children have only mild symptoms and grow up to live independently, while others have more severe symptoms and need supported living and working environments throughout their lives. Some children who have just a few of these symptoms may appear to be developing within typical expectations, although somewhat more slowly. One of the many symptoms is sensory integration dysfunction. (This has been the primary symptom my grandson developed and he still experiences mild symptoms.) We had no idea he had no sense of smell until he began walking up to someone and sniffing their clothes and practically frightened them to death as they perceived he was going to bite them. Speech and language problems also can develop.
Learning that a child has autism can be wrenching for parents. Feeling like they've lost the child they once knew, parents often move through the emotional stages of grief, denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. It is the acceptance stage that I want to talk about today.
I want you to understand what a child is going through and how important is it that he/she has your love and acceptance. Now, you are thinking that of course we love our child! I want to stress here just how crucial it is for your child to hear the words "I love you, no matter what" several times a day. This soon becomes embedded and he/she is able to move forward, knowing that his/her parents appreciate him/her for who he/she is. Regardless of what else you do as caregivers, LOVE is primary. This quality also is crucial in everyone that works with your child, such as, teachers, doctors, therapists and others who enter his/her environment.
Both parents should be on board 24 hours a day and especially the mother, as most of the care falls on her. Family counseling for the parents and siblings of children with autism often help families to cope with the particular challenges of living with an autistic child.
Because autism is difficult to recognize and diagnose, it's important that families seek an evaluation by a medical professional who is experienced in diagnosing and treating the disorder as soon as possible. It used to be thought that autism is just a fate that you accept. Good news! Researchers are finding a new understanding of autism, which gives all of us hope for the future of these children.
DISCLAIMER: This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for informational purposes only.
Until Next Time,
Worried About Autistic Tendencies:
Learn what to do now.
Autism is usually diagnosed at a very young age, when a child is l/2 to 4 years old. It is not treated with surgery or medicine (although some people with autism may take medicine to improve certain symptoms, like aggressive behavior or attention problems).
This tragic disorder called autism causes many parents to spend extra time and energy to raise an autistic child and they should be given kudos for this, not criticism. Autism is a brain disorder that affects a person's ability to communicate, to reason, and to interact with others. Just imagine, if you will, how this would affect your own life!
Boys are four times more likely to have autism than girls, and it is found equally in all walks of life and in all populations around the world. Typically it appears by age 3, though diagnosis and interventions can and should begin earlier.
Not everybody with autism has the exact same symptoms, which makes it even more difficult to detect at an early age. There are no medical tests to determine whether someone has autism, although doctors may run various tests to rule out other causes of symptoms. Because their brains process information differently, teens with autism may not act like other people you know and the severity of the symptoms vary from person to person. Some children have only mild symptoms and grow up to live independently, while others have more severe symptoms and need supported living and working environments throughout their lives. Some children who have just a few of these symptoms may appear to be developing within typical expectations, although somewhat more slowly. One of the many symptoms is sensory integration dysfunction. (This has been the primary symptom my grandson developed and he still experiences mild symptoms.) We had no idea he had no sense of smell until he began walking up to someone and sniffing their clothes and practically frightened them to death as they perceived he was going to bite them. Speech and language problems also can develop.
Learning that a child has autism can be wrenching for parents. Feeling like they've lost the child they once knew, parents often move through the emotional stages of grief, denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. It is the acceptance stage that I want to talk about today.
I want you to understand what a child is going through and how important is it that he/she has your love and acceptance. Now, you are thinking that of course we love our child! I want to stress here just how crucial it is for your child to hear the words "I love you, no matter what" several times a day. This soon becomes embedded and he/she is able to move forward, knowing that his/her parents appreciate him/her for who he/she is. Regardless of what else you do as caregivers, LOVE is primary. This quality also is crucial in everyone that works with your child, such as, teachers, doctors, therapists and others who enter his/her environment.
Both parents should be on board 24 hours a day and especially the mother, as most of the care falls on her. Family counseling for the parents and siblings of children with autism often help families to cope with the particular challenges of living with an autistic child.
Because autism is difficult to recognize and diagnose, it's important that families seek an evaluation by a medical professional who is experienced in diagnosing and treating the disorder as soon as possible. It used to be thought that autism is just a fate that you accept. Good news! Researchers are finding a new understanding of autism, which gives all of us hope for the future of these children.
DISCLAIMER: This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for informational purposes only.
Until Next Time,
Worried About Autistic Tendencies:
Learn what to do now.
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